Sahuarita sinker

In Sahuarita, a serial killer has been picking children up on their way home and taking them for 4 days then dunking their bodies in acid then dumping the bodies into the side of the roads. She has so far been successful with 3 kids and one kid is still missing . Pick up your kids from school and try to have them not walk alone or be alone outside. Be careful everyone, and we will keep you updated.

Update: A new body has been discovered we have confirmed who it is but cannot disclose the information. Stay away from people you don’t know. Description; 2 people, 1- female is young 10-12 and Most likely lives in Sahurita and had a rough childhood, 2-white female is between the age 30-40 and is white that also grew up in a rough house hold and lives in Sahurita. If you have any information call the number 520-457-2539. Have your kids get picked up or walked with a family friend. BE AWARE it could be anyone!

Update:5 bodies have been found in total all ages 5-16 and all female different races but mostly white with signs of sexual assault. There is a child white female11 year old missing that was taken while walking home by the Dafqti park at around 3:15. The police are currently working on the case but have contacted the FBI. If you have any information make sure to call the number above. Be safe and ensure you and your family is safe. BEWARE: it could be anyone. Trust only people that don’t do the description. We will update more if we find any thing else.