Caillou overdoses on drugs and Dies

Caillou was found using crack and meth and heroin and weed and alcohol and acid and ecstasy and MDMA and painkillers and morphine and vicodin and fentantly and peyote all at the same time. He was super high he was seeing things that weren’t even there he said “I FEEL LIKE SUPERMAN BUT I’M JUST CAILOU!” and he jumped out the window. While on the ground he was bleeding but then he took more drugs out of his pocket. (he had more drugs in his pocket just in case as a backup) and then basically what happens is he overdosed on the drugs he had in his pocket.

Caillou’s death was very tragic. The huge superstar’s multi million empire was collapsing around him due to his huge drug addiction. He had made millions of dollars in the past and spent it on cars drugs prostitutes dozens of girlfriends and a huge mansion. Caillou had a huge collection of toys and video games and he had a lot of stuff that he bought with his money but it was running out and soon he was goign to get into some big huge debt. Caillou knew this and this may have been one of the reasons he decided to overdose. Caillou was known to have depression and was never a stable individual sadly so his death is not unexpected.

Caillou was 9 years old when he died. Arthur and the Telletubies are among the dozens of huge famous people who will be at his funeral. Caillou will be fondly loved and remembered. Markiplier will be speaking at his funeral as well.