Hello readers, today’s article is 5 fun facts about the moon you probably didn’t know. We hope you find this article interesting and that you learn something new. We hope you share this with a friend and show them how the moon isn’t what you think
Everyone know the first moon landing Apollo 11 in 1969, but did you know that wasn’t actually the first moon landing. In 1807 the famous American explorer Sacagawea rode in the first ever space craft Aponi 1 with Lewis and Clark. She was the first person of human origin to ever step foot on the moon. When she first landed on the moon her first words are known to be “-cci daydetsih dakiza’a -nai hüüppiammü -cci ban’disip bo’zi -nai hüüppiammü -itte(n)-“ which in English translates to “one small step for women one giant leap for women kind” so I guess we know where Neil got his famous phrase from. Next time you’re asked who the first person of human origin was to land on the moon you know to say Sacagawea and not Neil Armstrong.
What do we mean by “THE MOON IS LIVABLE” well it’s easy the moon has a very similar atmosphere to Earth so similar we could live on the moon. Well why aren’t we? Well you see a few years ago in 1937 NASA decided to send Aviator Amelia Earhart to the moon, she wanted to go around the world but NASA wanted to explore the moon. They told her to live there for a few months to see how it goes and while she was living there she disappeared. No one knows where she is or where her space craft went but when they sent Neil Armstrong up to the moon a few years later they found her tent where she was living and it was empty. They still send astronauts to the moon for research but they aren’t allowed to leave the safety of their space craft for more than a few days. Scientist believe that she was carried away by space and fear the same could happen to us if we lived there. So if anyone tells you that living on the moon can kill you just know that they haven’t read this article.
Many people think that the moon is smaller than the sun but that’s actually not true, they are the same size. Neil Armstrong said “When I went to the moon I could not believe how big and flat it was it was like I was staring at a grey cardboard sun, and stepping out I was wondering how I didn’t fall” Some people think the moon is smaller because moon looks small from Earth but so does the sun so that doesn’t work for trying to find out and pictures of the moon don’t do it justice, but if you see it up close you can see yourself that it is in fact a “grey cardboard sun” Now you know what to do if you ever hear someone talk about how big the sun, tell them that the moon is just as big and flatter.
Many people think that each planet has their own moon but that isn’t true. Much like how there is only one sun in our solar system that all the planets orbit there is only one moon that orbits and that’s our moon! There are many pictures of other moons but those aren’t real or at least not from our solar system because there aren’t any other moons in our solar system. Other planets get pitch black at night because they have no moon providing them with a natural night light. Jupiter has ZERO moons and they haven’t developed lights yet so the only light they get is sunlight, at night when the sun sets they have to shut down everything. Imagine getting ready for bed or just about anything with your eyes closed that’s what other planets have to go through at night but not us because we have are lucky moon. So if someone’s talking about Saturns moons just show them this article and they’ll know better.
You ever wonder what the moon smells like well Neil Armstrong tells us “The first thing I noticed after getting out of my space pod was how the smelled exactly like cheese, let me give you advise don’t go to the moon on an empty stomach” Scientist have been researching for years why this is, some say that it’s due to the stinky asteroids that hit it other says it might have to with the fact that Sacagawea loved cheese and ate it almost every day she spent on the moon. We don’t know if they’re correct but Neil Armstrong did find some rotten cheese up there, a very small amount. Now you know what the moon smells like in case you ever wondered.
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