Peter was born in November 1800, in a small village in England. He had a curious mind and a restless spirit, always eager to learn new things and explore new places. He loved to read books and listen to stories, especially about the wonders of science and technology.
But Peter lived in a dark and difficult time. There was no electricity, no gas, no steam, no machines. People had to use torches or candles to light the way, and they had to work hard to survive. Peter often dreamed of a brighter and better world, where people could enjoy the benefits of progress and innovation.
One day, when Peter was 20 years old, he heard about a strange and mysterious invention that had been created by a genius inventor named Thomas Edison. It was called a light bulb, and it could produce light without fire or smoke. Peter was fascinated by this idea, and he decided to travel to America to see it for himself.
He saved up enough money to buy a ticket on a ship, and he embarked on a long and perilous journey across the ocean. He faced many dangers and difficulties, such as storms, pirates, and sickness, but he never gave up hope. He finally arrived in New York, and he was amazed by the sights and sounds of the bustling city.
He asked around for the location of Edison’s laboratory, and he managed to find it after a few days of searching. He knocked on the door, and he was greeted by a friendly and cheerful man who introduced himself as Edison. Peter told him his name and his story, and he asked him if he could see his light bulb.
Edison was impressed by Peter’s enthusiasm and courage, and he agreed to show him his invention. He led him to a room where there was a table with a glass globe and a metal filament inside. He connected it to a battery, and he flipped a switch. The globe lit up with a bright and steady light, and Peter gasped in awe.
“This is amazing!” Peter exclaimed. “How does it work?”
Edison explained to him the principles of electricity and resistance, and how he had experimented with different materials and designs to create the perfect light bulb. He told him that he had a vision of lighting up the whole world with his invention, and that he was working on a system of wires and generators to distribute electricity to homes and businesses.
Peter was fascinated by Edison’s words, and he asked him if he could join his team and help him with his project. Edison agreed, and he welcomed him as his new assistant. Peter was overjoyed, and he thanked him for the opportunity.
Peter worked with Edison for many years, and he learned a lot from him. He helped him improve his light bulb, and he helped him build the first power station and the first electric grid. He also helped him invent many other things, such as the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the electric car.
Peter became a famous and respected inventor, and he made a fortune with his patents. He also married a beautiful and smart woman, and they had three children. He lived a long and happy life, and he saw the world change and grow with the power of electricity.
He died in 2040, at the age of 240, surrounded by his family and friends. He was remembered as one of the greatest pioneers of the 19th and 20th centuries, and as the boy who did light 2040. His great grandson took over his job after he died