The birthday card

There was a birthday card in the window of the post office
kind old Reginald had lived with his Aunt Alice when he was ten now at 80 years old he still had the birthday card his Aunt Alice had given him Tom is ten now

And here is the story I generated:

Reginald walked slowly to the post office, holding Tom’s hand. Tom was his grandson, and he was visiting him for the weekend. Reginald wanted to show him the town where he had grown up, and share some of his memories with him.

As they approached the post office, Reginald saw a familiar sight in the window. It was a birthday card, with a picture of a cake and candles, and the words “Happy Birthday” in big letters. Reginald smiled, and felt a pang of nostalgia.

“Tom, do you see that card in the window?” he asked.

Tom looked at the card, and nodded. “Yes, Grandpa. What about it?”

Reginald pointed at the card. “That’s the same card that my Aunt Alice gave me for my tenth birthday, many years ago. She was the kindest person I ever knew. She took me in when my parents died, and raised me as her own. She always made me feel loved and special. She gave me this card, and a new bicycle, and a cake with ten candles. It was the best birthday ever.”

Tom looked at his grandfather, and saw a tear in his eye. He squeezed his hand, and said, “She sounds like a wonderful lady, Grandpa. I wish I could have met her.”

Reginald smiled, and wiped his eye. “You would have liked her, Tom. She was very sweet and funny. She loved to tell stories, and sing songs, and play games. She was always happy, and made everyone around her happy too.”

Tom smiled back, and said, “She sounds like you, Grandpa. You’re always happy, and you make me happy too.”

Reginald hugged Tom, and said, “Thank you, Tom. You’re very kind. You know, you remind me of myself when I was your age. You have the same curiosity, and imagination, and spirit. I’m very proud of you, Tom.”

Tom hugged Reginald, and said, “Thank you, Grandpa. I love you.”

Reginald kissed Tom’s cheek, and said, “I love you too, Tom.”

They stood there for a moment, holding each other, and looking at the card in the window. Then, Reginald had an idea.

“Tom, do you want to do something fun?” he asked.

Tom looked at him, and said, “Sure, Grandpa. What is it?”

Reginald winked, and said, “Follow me.”

He led Tom to the door of the post office, and opened it. He walked inside, and greeted the clerk behind the counter.

“Hello, Mary. How are you today?” he said.

Mary looked up, and smiled. She recognized Reginald, as he was a regular customer. She also knew Tom, as he had come with Reginald before.

“Hello, Reginald. I’m fine, thank you. And how are you and Tom?” she said.

“We’re fine too, thank you. We’re just enjoying the day. Say, Mary, do you mind if I ask you a favor?” Reginald said.

“Of course not, Reginald. What can I do for you?” Mary said.

Reginald pointed at the card in the window. “Do you see that card, Mary? The one with the cake and candles?”

Mary looked at the card, and nodded. “Yes, I see it. What about it?”

Reginald smiled, and said, “Well, Mary, that card is very special to me. It’s the same card that my Aunt Alice gave me for my tenth birthday, many years ago. She was the kindest person I ever knew. She took me in when my parents died, and raised me as her own. She always made me feel loved and special. She gave me this card, and a new bicycle, and a cake with ten candles. It was the best birthday ever.”

Mary looked at Reginald, and saw the emotion in his voice. She felt a surge of sympathy, and said, “Oh, Reginald, that’s so sweet. I’m sorry to hear about your parents, and your aunt. They must have been wonderful people.”

Reginald nodded, and said, “They were, Mary. They were. And you know what, Mary? Today is Tom’s tenth birthday. He’s my grandson, and he’s visiting me for the weekend. I wanted to show him the town where I grew up, and share some of my memories with him. And I thought, maybe, just maybe, you could let me buy that card for him. It would mean a lot to me, and to him. What do you say, Mary?”

Mary looked at Tom, and saw his bright eyes, and his eager smile. She felt a wave of warmth, and said, “Of course, Reginald. Of course you can buy the card for him. It’s yours. Happy birthday, Tom.”

Tom’s smile grew wider, and he said, “Thank you, Mary. Thank you, Grandpa.”

Reginald paid for the card, and took it from the window. He handed it to Tom, and said, “Happy birthday, Tom. This card is very special. It’s from me, and from your great-aunt Alice. She would have loved you, Tom. And she would have been very proud of you, just like I am. I hope you like it, Tom.”

Tom took the card, and opened it. He saw the picture of the cake and candles, and the words “Happy Birthday”. He also saw a handwritten message, in a neat and elegant script. It said:

“Dear ey were family, and they were loved.

Happy birthday, my darling boy. You are the light of my life, and the joy of my heart. I love you more than words can say. You are growing up so fast, and becoming such a fine young man. I’m so proud of you, Reginald. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I know you will do great things. Always remember, ey were family, and they were loved., that you are special, and that you are loved. Always remember, Reginald, that I am here for you, and that I will always be with you. Happy birthday, Reginald. I love you.

Your loving aunt,


Tom read the message, and felt a tear in his eye. He felt a connection with his great-aunt Alice, even though he had never met her. He felt her love, and her presence, and her spirit. He felt a bond with his grandfather, who had shared his story, and his memory, and his gift. He felt a gratitude, and a happiness, and a love.

He looked at his grandfather, and said, “Grandpa, this is the best birthday ever. I love you, Grandpa. And I love Aunt Alice too.”

Reginald hugged Tom, and said, “I love you too, Tom. And I’m sure Aunt Alice loves you too. Happy birthday, Tom. You are special, and you are loved.”

They walked out of the post office, holding the card, and holding each other. They smiled, and laughed, and talked. They had a wonderful day, and a wonderful weekend. They made new memories, and cherished old ones. They were happy, and they made each other happy.

They were family ,were family, and they were loved. Aunt Alice was a farmers daughter her dad was a farmer Aunt Alice told Tom and Old Reginald about it