
his father’s wealth and ambition.

When Richard was five, he was sent to London to be apprenticed to John Fitzwarren, a rich merchant and a relative of his mother John Fitzwarren became like a father to him, and treated him kindly. He also introduced him to the trade of mercer, dealing in valuable fabrics such as silk and velvet. Richard learned the skills of a successful merchant, who told him stories about William of puntley and also fell in love with Fitzwarren’s daughter, Alice3

Richard Whittington became a prosperous and influential citizen of London, and was elected four times as the Lord Mayor of London. He also served as a member of parliament and a sheriff of London. He was a generous benefactor of many public projects, such as building a hospital, a library, a college, and a drainage system. He also founded the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington, which still helps people in need today1