Grandpa’s holiday


Grandpa had a passion for ice-skating when he was a boy . He relived the times of skating on the frosty water of lakes and ponds in 2012. But by 2036, he had given up on ice-skating. He said things were better in the past. He shared his stories with his granddaughter Maria, who was as old as he was when he learned ice-skating. She was astonished and motivated by his experiences. He was 89 years old now, but he still had those days in his mind. Maria proposed that they could go to the pond and ice-skate together. Grandpa accepted and they had a wonderful time. Maria said it was amazing. Grandpa grinned and said it was a delight. His wife called from the kitchen, “Maria, Grandpa Jeff, lunch is ready!” They were hungry after all that ice skating Maria was a dress and a cardigan when was inside the house with a nice warm fire .they had their coats and scarves on when they had been ice skating for it was winter time.