Famous YouTuber by the name of Like Nastya has been kidnapped and killed. Putin demands answers.

A famous YouTuber by the name of Like Nastya, A young but very successful YouTuber has been kidnapped on the night of August 11th 2023. She was found tonight in an abandoned building in her home town in Russia. She was found by her mother who wasn’t home at the time of her kidnapping who instantly called the Russian Police. Putin was alarmed and instantly spoke about locking down the country and sent troops out looking for the killer. The killer has been identified as a 34 year old man who had a relationship as a public school teacher for Like Nastya. Putin demanded that he turns himself in or his family would be killed. Many think he fled the country on a plane out of Russia to the United States. Russia and Putin are still searching the country for this man as it is possible that he is hiding until the search ends. Beware and Be Safe all people in Russia and if you see a 34 year old Six foot Three man with black hair and brown eyes then call Russian police as soon as possible. A bounty has been set for 10 million Russian Rubles by the Young Stars Mother.