Echo Bluffs (Eminence) Shuts Down Unexpectedly After a Huge Storm Wipes Out Most of The Land

On 4:34 AM Sunday, an unexpected storm came in large surges, wiping out most of Echo bluffs State Park. This dangerous weather has killed around 23 people with more information on the way. Police and reporters are gathering information from the small amount of survivors on what exactly happened on their visit. A used to be, exiting, colorful, and beautiful state park has brought gloomy weather and what seems to be bad luck.. β€œWe planned on staying at Echo Bluffs for a family stay cation as we live around these parts but we never expected this to happen after we got there. I woke up to the park siren going off. Me and my family stayed in the park lodges which seems to be the only building that survived the tragedy. It’s an amazing place but from the events that have happened we may not come back.” Asher Woming, who survived with his wife and 3 children reports to to police.