Teenage Boy found Emotional after Tragedy

A Teenage boy, age of 13 and by the name of Roman Cloos has been emotional ever since the loss of his best friend and seen potential partner and lover, Damarco Medinez. He has agreed to be interviewed for this, to explain his feelings.
“Ever since I lost him. I seem to have lost a part of me,” The Teenager says. “Damarco was my best friend, and he had many others who loved him.I may have been the one to love him the most”
Afterwards, the teenager explained that he and Damarco were in fact dating in the end, and how Damarco wasn’t thinking when he passed away.
Roman has been accepted into the boy’s family as one of their own. Since Damarco had never come out as Gay, Bisexual, Or even Pansexual, his family was very welcoming when Roman told him.
“Damarco always had Roman over, and always was different around him.. I should’ve known that something was going on between them, and I’m ashamed that I never payed attention to it.” Says Damarco’s Mother. “I wish i had been more supportive..”
Roman has been a good asset to the Medinez family, and we will miss damarco very much.