Kiran Koster (sister of two and now found mother of one) was overdosed by 6:00 pm on Monday night April 24th 2023. Former boyfriend Jeremy Schone says “She was nothing like anyone else. She was a great girlfriend.”. Kiran’s sister Diya Koster who is only in 3rd grade responded “I don’t understand what you are saying but I know Kiran was my sister”. Her best friend Autumn Simon responds to the news reporter “Kiran has been my friend for 6 years and she always taught me to dream anything was possible. I hope she gets well soon”.
The doctors have taken a blood sample of Kiran and have found immense amounts of codeine in her blood. The treatment requires around $300,000 and her parents are struggling to pay this amount. Her friends at the Sharon Highschool Student Council have decided to make a fundraiser for her so you can donate money at
Kiran is being frequently visited by her friends at the hospital and hopes to make a return at Sharon High School.