BREAKING: Pit Bulls Would Never Even Hurt a Fly

By Def Nottatrol

Smiling Pit Bulls wearing flower crowns clearly prove that Pit Bulls would never even hurt a fly.

Do you know that Chihuahuas bite more than Pit Bulls?

Sure, Chihuahuas aren’t really that deadly, but a Chihuahua nipped my ankle once when I was 5 and a Pit Bull once licked my infant son’s face instead of ripping his face off, so that’s clearly even more proof that Pit Bulls are sweet angels.

Everyone should own a Pit Bull. They are incredibly easy dogs to own, and they’re also great dogs to be left completely unsupervised with infants.

So don’t be a breedist (doggy racist), and adopt a Pit Bull today instead.

Remember, there is absolutely no extra risk that you are taking by adopting a Pit Bull.