James Patrick Whitten caught pirating ‘inappropriate games’.

A homeschool student by the name of James Patrick Whitten has been arrested due to charges of the illegal distribution of copyrighted games, namely porn games. He is currently being tried in court by the prosecutor, Jacob Benjamin Talmadge. He does not seem to express any guilt for his actions. His undeniable lust cannot be contained by a mere sentence! When questioned on the matter, he merely stated that he was doing it “for his catgirl mistress”. We are still waiting for additional comment.

In addition to this, he has been alleged to have comitted various other crimes, such as tax evasion, public nudity, and murder. One specific piece of evidence comes from the social app ‘Discord’, which allows children to connect with each other. Hopefully, this evil woman can be convicted and sentenced to a long time in prison.

This has been your top-10 news reporter, Ian Mathis.