Local Tesla STEM Student Comes Out About Her Struggles

Andrew Phillips
Published August 22, 2022

A local Washington student, going by the name of Prarthana Mishra, recently reached out about her struggles at the renowned magnet school Tesla STEM High School.

“The workload is insane!” Mishra says. “But the workload isn’t all that this school has offered to ruin my mental health.”

Mishra continues to talk about her experiences with the social life there at STEM, elaborating her struggles with an ex-boyfriend, who shall remain unnamed.

“He said I love you, and reassured me that we wouldn’t break up,” Mishra complained. “The next day, we were over.”

Mishra stated that people like him added to the toxicity of the Tesla STEM environment, in which there have previously been reported issues of peer pressure and academic dishonesty.

“My grades started going down, along with my mental health. Sometimes I wish I never came to this school.”

Is Tesla STEM really as good as it seems to be? Or is the toxic masculinity overtaking the benefits of this prestigious school?