Local STEM Student Exposes Homework Scheme

Andrew Phillips
Published August 25, 2022

Local student at Tesla STEM High School, Eva Jain, comes forward to share her struggles at the prestigious magnet school.

“I remember trying to make friends at the beginning of the year, and [REDACTED] would ask to call,” Jain states. “It turned out that [REDACTED] just wanted to show someone geometry dash while I did [REDACTED]’s homework.”

The challenging coursework at this school shows the way students are struggling to achieve in this school. Eva Jain, the victim, decided to step forward about this issue.

“I felt used and betrayed,” Jain confided.

Jain continued on about how it was common for students to ask each other for homework help and answers.

Does this school promote learning or cheating?

More updates to follow.