Dream SMP welcomes a newplayer

Following the death of 23-year-old youtuber, Technoblade, the Dream SMP was missing a main lore character. So, in an official twitch stream, Quackity released the name: Grian or Charles.
Grian is also known for his Minecraft videos, and has been on many SMPs including Hermitcraft, Life SMP, Evolution SMP, and the short-lived world of World of Arkus. He is also a main creator of Wynncraft, an MMORG server, as well as being a frequent player in the Minecraft Championships (MCC).
Quackity, on his stream, talked about how Grian would be the perfect fit, as he has, ‘easily the biggest lore in (sic) HC.’
He will be welcomed following the end of Hermitcraft Season 9. Look forward to then!