Terrible Events at PMS Update 1

New news about the gay cults spotted at PMS. There have been many new sightings along with a gay assaulting someone. Here are some new sighting reports:
(anonymous) 6th grader witnessed 2 gay people aggresively making out with their crustilicious crocs in the halls during 3rd period.
(anonymous) 8th grader witnessed a gay meetup outside a 8th grade boys bathroom and she said it “makes her scared for this school and exited to leave”.
Autumn Monique’s sister in 7th saw a group of TWELVE! yes twelve! suspected gay people of all different grades running around the halls with forks and spoons chasing the young and weak.

Current and new suspected gays: Arley S (7st), Conner H (6nd), Vix F (6nd) Nora F (7st), Kyler N (6nd), Mr. Crocs Jr. (Teacher) Cian D (6nd) and Charleston R (8st)

Thank you for your attention quirkyliciousiosos and good day stay tuned for more updates and articles!