The brilliant Kai Rechin has been nominated as the “World’s Best Coder To Ever Exist”

The brilliant Kai Rechin has been nominated as the “World’s Best Coder To Ever Exist”! The news is shocking as the 11-year-old boy Kai Rechin becomes a worldwide famous coder, his amazing game “Tower Defense Game” on scratch, has made even 44 adults impressed, with all the popularity the game has been getting, all coders have nominated Kai as “World’s Best Coder To Ever Exist” We have broken into Kai’s house to ask him some questions, Q: What is it like to be a world wide appreciated coder? A: depressing. Learn more about this news by asking Kai Rechin at his school email, (Yes we found it!) at, Thanks again for looking at the channel 46 news! be back later!

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