Zombie Apocalypse!!!

This morning at approximately 5:40 a man was spotted performing zombie-like behavior. Witnesses say he stumbled around trying to bite them until he was shot down with a tranquilizer gun. The man was then put in a safe house with 4 other individuals with the strange symptoms. Authorities say they will be kept in these conditions until proper tests are conducted. While authoraties in Indiana believe they have everything under control, Ohio is a different story. The Mayor says 12 people all aged 5 through 67 have been spotted biting people, animals, objects, etc. Because the children will not be able to handle being tranquilized they are being left alone for now. Many people have been discovering loved ones with this unexplainable behavior. If you suspect anyone of contracting this strange disease please call your local police immediately. If you are bitten call the police to prevent any further spreading of the infection. People will lose all memory and muscle control when infected. Even if you believe you could not harm anyone do not trust yourself. People have began to flee the Country now but officials say the disease was first contracted in Canada and has since spread to every Continent. North America being the last place to contract the disease is also the safest. This being said go to a safe house until further notice. Quarantine yourself from everyone if you are experiencing the following systems, shortness of breath, craving of non food objects, constant puking, and/or extreme dizziness. THIS IS A NATIONAL CRISIS!!!!!!!