The Case Of Ichika Miku, Who is the killer?

Ichika Miku, As known as the cousin of Hatsune Miku

A killer was caught threatening Ichika Miku. Ichika’s Mom said that he had blue eyes,
And black pebble pants, A sharp knife in his hand with blood, and blonde hair.

The police is trying to find out who did that, The killer was caught on camera.
They are looking for him.

Ichika’s mom nicely asks people this, “Will any of you find who is the killer then call 911?”

“If anyone finds him, put him into prison. You reward will be 900K Dollars.”
“Thank you”
Then Ichika’s Mom put on papers on the lights of outside, and trees.

Will you help Ichika’s Mom to find the killer?
Ichika was last seen in Lanson’s Pizza place
Ichika got killed when she was getting ready to take a night walk.
Between Lanson’s pizza place and a house that had the lights on.

If you see him, he may come to kill you so be careful!