Well parties it’s time for anoter D MOTHER FUCKING 1ARTUCLE✊🏿✊🏿 Unfortunately your originallll righter young sammich the magic rapper is not feeling the weather 🤢 so i will be your host today, Black Water 💦 now let’s get into it😝 I have a couple good stories for you loyal readers today

On February 14 (also known as valemtimes days) DARg0n🤮🤮🤮 was found acceptin an offer from locall hoopa Wyat Shitmak to be his valentimeee🥰🖤🖤💗 Shitmak joaking of course BROKE UP WITH dar leaving him heartbroken and crying 😭 💔 he immadeatly ran to locall drifter Eli Retard for emotional support clutching him softly with intent to be cared for

Darnnnf was having a usual day, beeting Up Wyt and eli retard when rollcall happened😳😳😳 a condom was found on dargsjtn’s number👅(for scale it was probably a magnum condom (the same size I used with your sister last night😈😈😈😈😈 my fault she can’t resist me) he cried in dasguist and didn’t even siit on his roll call jumber 🤯😱 making coach watwrmelonatkinson angey 😡

After recent rubbery events 🤪 Damon put the blame on orher physicajj education students🤦 Of course going for local blaks. Street hobo leperchaun Irish ☘️ and Luke2.0( temporarily replacing Luke) defended the Tavion’s by standing in Darnell’s way for defense💪🏾 Let’s goooo leberchaun man 🍃🥬 benchboy did not take kindly to tihs hurting them getting coach watermelonwatermelinasoncoachguywatermeloNs 🍉 attention he treatened D1 for his crimes darg then put everyone within a 100 meter radius on silent treatment 🤫 (he is also not allowed within 100 meters of elemtrary schols😆)

THAts all for today pats I hope you guys wenjoyed and remember “coach is a beeetch”

-Courtesy of Patrick Henry Asb