Sam and Colby dead together

Urban explorers Sam and Colby found dead at 365 Speckin Road at 3:28 AM on the fourth of January 2022. The familyโ€™s are horrified, they never thought anyone could do such a thing to two sweet boys. But some suspect they killed each other. People think this because the police found to guns there with them one by Sam and on by Colby. The Urban explorers went into the lab to see if the scientists could see if they could find the bullet or some evidence. But what they found is remarkable. Well first the boys have said that they have been having some trouble with bills and tax. So back to the lab and the scientists. When they were looking in the boys to hopefully find something they found a bullet. There was one in both of the boys. The bullet had a name on both of them one said Colby and one said Sam. The one with Sam on it was in Colby and the one with Colby on it was in Sam. So maybe the boys shot each other. But why just cause of some bills, or did someone shot them? We donโ€™t know a lot about any thing else yet but as soon as we have more information about the boys we will make sure to tell everyone about it. Now the story of the week