I died by a rabbit my name is —– Afton I can’t tell you much but I was killed by a glitch and I want to find out where my parents are in kinda scared I haunt the rabbit and stop him from killing kids but it fails 😒 I want to find my mom her name is —— Afton and my father name is William Afton you might be wondering why I can type I did something I got in the body of a kid and found a tablet and was able to type and I miss my siblings the most I miss ——- and —- and escapilly ——- she is missing now I got killed in 1970 my family didn’t tell my siblings about me the only one who probably remembers is ——– if he sees this message I love I miss you but I’m all ways watching I always come back remember my name is ——– AFTON IGNORE THE PRANK IT IS A LIE THIS IS THE ONLY THIN II COULD FIND