Activision Takes Action Against Unlock Tools

Activision has announced an incoming investigation against unlock tool users. Those who have used unlocked tools or have gotten mastery camos illegitimately will be permanently banned via HWID. These investigations and bans will be done by looking at player’s stats and specific weapon kills. “We do not approve these methods of unlocking mastery camos as they disrespect the integrity of the game and those who have actually spent the time trying to unlock these mastery camos.” An activison executive says, he also explains how easy it is to spot illegitimate mastery camos. This ‘banwave’ a can be expected on November 19, 7pm PST, as an update will be done to integrate an anti unlock tool system.

Update: This investigation so far will result in more than 30,000 players being banned. This is how many players have been caught so far, this just goes to show that they weren’t lying about how easy this investigation will be.

Update by – PJ Haraz, The Live Editor