
I was about to leave church when old couple Approached me and Invited me for lunch. They told me if I already had a boyfriend And I Required no I do not In the old Couple said Here’s a picture of our son so do you want to date him and are you interested in him. I said. This is very awkward but Seems like a nice guy but I’m not interested And Couple said and if you go eat Dinner with are son we’ll pay you $5,000 And if you become his boyfriend we can pay you much more I didn’t really feel comfortable With this So I said okay Because I really needed the money We are man at a nice restaurant tomorrow and it was lovely but I was into The Couples son Now that I really see were starting to becoming very kind and handsome the old man said flert With him harder And I felt embarrassed So I just whispered okay And if you ask him out I’ll pay you another $5,000 And I said why In the old man said because he’s psycho girlfriend has been arrested several times And she’s a bad woman and we really want you to be his girlfriend and will pay you $50,000 Can you have to use your beauty to Get him instead of that psycho and Said to him Do you want to go on Date He said sorry no I’ve girlfriend Then I said then can you help me with my moving Some stuff And he said yes and the time Bluepie we have done so much hard work don’t you think there has to be a reward Then I took her out to a lovely romantic picnic Then I said can I lay on your stomach And you are silent for a minute and Can I just lay on his Stomach and I think tell he enjoyed it