Speaks Dutch? Or Duchess?

We all heard it Lacey speaks dutch. It’s normal to learn a second language in school, but it certainly it isn’t a coincidence that Lacey claimed the title “The Duchess Of Black Swans”, right? Lacey certainly seems like the mysterious witch from “The Blacks Swans Guide”. Lacey speaks Dutch, does ballet, sleeps in feathers, could it be? The one? The guide talks about a magnificent dark witch hiding in an overcrowded area, the witch claims to speak dutch, but the people of the area believed that the language was not actually dutch, it was duchess! The guide claims that those who are able to speak duchess have the ability to transform into black swans!!! If you are friends with Lacey, how cool is that? Right? You have a friend that speaks duchess, you are so lucky. People who have the ability to speak duchess are very rare, please make sure your time with your friends last in the happiest ways.