Smoking is bad

People are now dying from smoke and smoking cigarettes and lungs are now getting cancer that means people who smoke have a 80% chance of dying if they don’t stop this is no joke over 100,000,000 people are in the ER because of cigarettes and are getting lung cancer and dying so if you smoke you should stop so you can stay alive with your loved ones and make sure your kids don’t use them you will pronounce get addicted and most likely die or get lung cancer it will be rare of how many chances there are of you surviving and making it out okay so make sure to stay safe and stop smoking try using a prescription that your doctor says it’s okay stay safe don’t smoke and in other related new cigarettes are burning down houses from not being put out all the way and people are not surviving so be careful don’t smoke and be careful you need your lungs and also cigarettes and killing the earth because of them not being put out in the forest so are causing wild fires and are killing animals also are hurting peoples lungs around you