Matthew Crow Takes Over United States

Matthew Crow, a 12 year old boy started a Twitch stream talking about how he would take over the United States. “I don’t care what happens, America will be mine. Firstly, I will buy tons of matches and gallons of gasoline. I’ll then rent a helicopter and fly above the White House. I’ll pour the gasoline on the building then drop several matches.” Many friends of Crow say that he used to joke about taking over America, but assumed he was joking. Little did the world know, he would actually commit arson on the White House. He started a broadcast that more than half of the American people watched. “I’m your new ruler, you either respect that, or die trying to take back this country. This country will now be known as Crowmen. Good day my subjects.” Our new leader, though young and inexperienced, truly he is the best for the job as our emperor. Good day people of Crowmen!