Is Michael Jackson back?

Good afternoon this is Channel 9 news and today with spotted a miraculous Discovery. Michael Jackson! has been spotted we don’t know technically if it’s Michael Jackson he is green and set trailer we seen and grave that’s been opened up. He is green in very dangerous he’s been spotted killing people and somebody caught him killing someone and he said “heehee” straight after. Unfortunately that person found Michael Jackson saying “heehee” has never been found again. The last place Reece I’m heading to was on a boat near the coast of India he was in a five-mile radius of the dangerous Islands where people will hunt you. and if you go within the 5 mile radius you’ll be shot down with bow and arrow. If you seen them going anywhere near Australia please report them to the police immediately you will receive a $1000000 prize. And if you actually catch him then you’ll receive a 10 million dollar prize.