Jazmyne Calvert death age 13

Jazmyne n Calvert was a 13 year old girl she died at 3:36am on June 13th 2021.none knows exactly what happen.we believe it was her 10 year old sister shyla b.c clardy she was jealous of jazmyne from 2017 when jazmyne stole her boyfriend Jason.v difery . we believe shyla hired a 34 year old hitman she new the man from a trip she went to in 2018. Shyla stabbed jazmyne 3 times and shot her 2 times the man had kidnapped jasmine 3 days before the death. The hit man got shot by shyla 4days after jasmine death.they then arrested shyla for murder,and adult and battery.she is know in Shelbyville county jail until farther notice