FDA Authorizes New Drug “Trycoxagain” To Treat Depression In Lesbians

This Wednesday, the Food and Drug Administration authorized a brand new drug made by Pfizer to treat depression in lesbians. “Trycoxagain has completed all phases of clinical trials and is proven to work”, said Dr. Kris P Cawk, a spokesperson from Pfizer. Many members of the scientific community have praised this drug for its “miracle-like” capabilities. This month being LGBTQ pride month also makes it a good time to hear this news. The drug will be available over-the-counter at every pharmacy in the US within 3 months. Pfizer stock rose over 200% after the announcement was made on Wednesday morning. Analysts are stating that this new drug in addition to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID Vaccine proves that the drug manufacturer can innovate and stay on top of market trends.