Adrianes kickback turns into massacre at funeral

Young Giana commuter suicide around 7:45am in her grandmothers basement closet also known as Tim’s hideout. Her best friend Mallery revived the call at bom e mauger middle school in the line to enter the school. When she received the news she dropped to the ground and screamed and cried as everyone around her ran to help. A few days later the held the funeral at Giana’s favorite place Quick stop in middlesex. Lots of old friends and family members showed it was probably the biggest funeral in history. The first person to go make a speech was Mallery. “I loved Giana and I always will even though she still can’t spell my last name. She was best friend, my twin flame, and my soulmate. There was nothing could get through without eachother, we always joked abt suicide but I never thought she would actually do it. Giana was a very sweet talented sexter. She was honestly the biggest freak I know. I know She is watching me from above(below). I love you Giana.” She cried walking off as Stevie shoved her way through cutting the speech line she walked up and said “Giana was a very good friend and cared for me, I love you Giana.” But before she walked off she thought to herself “how do I make this abt myself” she quickly jumped down trying to kill herself but simply didn’t even get injured by the jump embarrassed she walked away with a fake limp. Next up was Sean. He walked onto the stage crying with his head down “Giana was a great girlfriend I know we only lasted 2 days but I didn’t get to say I love you, so I’m saying it now. I love you.” Out from the loud crowd a whiney voice screamed “LEAVUHHHHH” everyone turned around and gasped. It was Tim terrific, “MALLERY, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DOPE WITH YOUR CROCS WHEN TF WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME THAT GIANA GOT A NEW BF” Mallery scream from the crowd “I DIDNT KNOW EITHER” Tim responded with “I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE LOVE OF HER LIFE, OUR LOVE LASTED FOR A LONG TIME.” Tara made the mom face and blurted out “YOU DATED GIA?!” Tim screamed back “YEA I TOOK HER VIRGINITY AT THE FUCK POND TOO!” A deep voice from the back said “ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT” Tim turned to see Brendon grunder with a grin on his face. Ben finally opened his mouth and screamed “DONT TALK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT TOU PIG” Stevie interrupted “TIM OR BRENDON” ben responded, “BOTH OF THEM” Tim flipped out and punched brendon and soon enough everyone was fighting and screaming as Giana rose from the dead taking videos of the huge fight for her private story. Stevie screamed “THIS IS LIKE ADRIANNES KICKBACK” as she fake limped away when Giana grabbed her and put her in the coffin with her. After the fight had ended and half the people at the funeral where arrested, Stevie and Giana were both buried Giana dead and Stevie alive. This is how adriannes kickback turned into a massacre.