Streamer GamingFire08 Caught Sending Nudes To A 5 Y.O Girl

Andrew Duran, known as Gamingfire08 online, is a small streamer with around 100 followers and a dedicated fan base, but this morning the mother of 5 year old Lilly Smith went to twitter stating: “i am outraged at the fact that gamingfire08 is using his position of power to abuse, groom and harass little girls. i am asking @twitchsupport to please ban this monster of a human from your platform”. it is alleged that the 13 year old streamer was sending expicit photos of his genitals to the 5 year old girl via Twitch DM’s. we reached out to twitch for an official statement, they said “we will look into these allegations, but we as a community will not accept such vulgure and gross material and such abuse of power”

more on this story as it progresses

Bill Snider from channel 46