Parkers PuThAy is leaked by one and only Joe Biden.

Hello and good Afternoon America Today we have a case with one and only , Parker Fualman Last week Parker was on a date with Moto Moto , then parker saw Tony lopez and he was looking HaWt Parker went zooming to him and started twerking so then tony lopez summoned a donkey then the donkey licked Parkers butthole and bit it parkers PuTHaY showed and Tony took a picture but then the donkey summend Cardi B so Cardi B sang W.A.P but she said ”BuBbLe GuM iN a DiSH DaMn HeR PuThaY StAnk” parker was ANRy so she summoned Dr WiLsON And Dr wIlSon SiAD ”PuTHaY StANK” now Parker cause everyone else PutHAy to stank. The End