Nataya Bluebird found dead

Nataya Bluebird was born on 3/5/09 and was found dead on 5/25/21. We currently have no information on the situation , But we will look deeper into situation. For now all the information we have is that she was stabbed 5 times. And was found on the highway. The last place she has been seen was at 2:37 walking to the bus. We have no information on if anybody seen her . Her bus driver said ” She got into her house safely.” . Her family said “Why would someone do this to a 12 yr old girl .” . Her life wasn’t easy she lived with her aunt because her parents were alcoholics. She had 8 siblings and loved them all. Zackery Hudpeth or Zack was her brother that stuck up for her he is 15 right now. Sequoya Twobulls was her sister that she cared about and loved. That’s all we have right now we will update you if we have anymore information.