White Wine is causing UTI’s in 80 year olds

The ingredients in white wine has been causing UTI’s in the senior citizens. First reported in France, where 82 year old Susan D reported a defect. She was fine before, but when she hit her 80’s she didn’t feel right. “I knew something was wrong, but I thought it was just old age. After some testing we discovered that white wine ,after being consumed for a long period of time, can cause UTI’s in the senior community. Especially in women.”

Susan usually had a glass around 4:00pm. Usually right before dinner, she would open a Sauvignon Blanc. “I have a special place for wine in my heart! I think it could be a tad obsession. I even have purple grape earrings! They’re me favorite. Since I grew up where wine was made, wine is my lively hood. I can’t remember one talk with my husband where we didn’t have a glass of our favorite wine, haha!”

The husband, Connor, also noticed a change with her behavior when Susan cooked Brussel sprouts. “I truly dislike Brussel sprouts, and she knew it. Soon we were having Brussel sprouts every night! I was trying to tell her but she was always in the bathroom.”

Hehehe love you grandma!😂