tacos ๐ŸŒฎ are falling from the SKY!

A couple months ago a man named Henry Smith was walking to his car one day, but a little bit of cheese was on his car. He went back inside to show his wife and kids he thought it was a prank, but then the next day he started to tell us neighbors. Somehow they believed him heโ€™s like everyone thought he was crazy but the neighbors agreed with him A couple months ago a man named Henry Smith was walking to his car one day, but a little bit of cheese was on his car. He went back inside to show his wife and kids he thought it was a prank, but then the next day he started to tell us neighbors. Somehow they believed him heโ€™s like everyone thought he was crazy but the neighbors agreed with him and said that happened to me too! Turns out weeks later not only cheese but tomato meat the taco shell everything on a taco is on his car and everyone elseโ€™s. So if you see a taco on your car ( or ingredients ) please call 911 they will send you put a tactic to figure out all of this craziness.