Sycelia Jackson killed Mandi Kora??

We have now realized that Mandi Kora being rich with high security, Kora had cameras. We asked her parents and close friends for the password, but nobody knew. After hacking into the systems and finding her password, we could not see the face of the person to murder Kora, but we do know that it was a girl by their body shape, and the outline of their hands, and their voice. But their face was never shown on the camera, for she had not turned that way. What we do know is that she came in through the window at exactly 1:47, looked down at her, stabbed her, laughed, and left. As the girl laughed, she said “Nobody will ever see through this plan Mandi, Good thinking, really.” Kora was alive but in pain for a while, but the fact that she lived alone in the woods, nobody heard. She died around four in the morning.