Press Briefing Update on Society Planning feat. Hon. Akoybi J.Greaves M.P

Inspector Donville Haynes, told members of the Barbados today team, “We are proud of the outcome, on April 2nd we received $67,000” from Youth Minister & Parliament Representative and Assistant State of Defense, Head Chairman of The New Hope Foundation Charity Hon. Akoybi J. Greaves, the donation came in handy as we were able to prepare hampers for 236 households who would have made calls requesting help, the rest of the money was also used to pay some of the households bills, we were able to deliver these hampers on the low, with the assistance from members of the Royal Barbados Police Force using the (C.I.D) jeeps, we also received assistance from The Barbados Defense Force in carrying out the tasks at hand, overall we are grateful to be able to engage with the community, Inspector Haynes said: “members of the RBPF remain at full assistance & continue to offer it services to Greaves.”