BREAKING NEWS!!! Tragedy For The Trump Family!

By the title of this article you may be wondering what is the tragedy that happened in the Trump family. Well one of the former Trump family members have died. And the person who died is Melania Trump. She was Donald Trumps former spouse and she had one child named Barron Trump. All of Trump family is saddened by the resent death of Melania Trump. But police have reported several different suspects that have maybe killed Melania. One of the suspect is named Quinn Harper. She has committed two other crimes. But they do not have any recent photos of her. But all we know is that she has brown hair, white skin and she is a middle aged woman. But for now we don’t have that much evidence. But for now we can all pray for her in heaven.
Age of death: 50 years
Date of death: 3/30/21
Writers: Mike Emerson, Katrina Wilson
Reporters: Sofia Solei, Bob Mat, April May, Easton Fool