The Parkinson’s suffered tragedy as their middle child Kylia Parkinson drowns in cow manure

The Parkinson family was in for a rude awakening to find out that their second daughter Kylia Parkinson age 9 had been swallowed by cow manure on their farm their oldest child Clara Parkinson age 13 says “she went to sleep with the animals that night and I heard her scream but I stupidly went back to bed” That night Kylia Parkinson had been covered in cow manure and could not breathe under it the Parkinson’s youngest child Malaya age 8 says “It’s horrible it really is loosing someone you love to a bunch of cow sh*t” At this time Karina Parkinson and her husband Alejandro Peragrio were going through a very difficult divorce this was why Kylia went to the barn she felt safe with the animals we will keep you updated on this issue for now pray for the Parkinson’s!