15 Questions with Marlene Frost

Hello! Today we will learn new things former One Direction Bandmate Marlene Frost

Int: So what do you like most about being in the band?
Marlene: I really love the support the fans have shown us all over the years and that me and the boys get to do what we love

Int: Whats a bad habit of yours?
Marlene: I could eat pizza every day like niall. Is this a bad habit tho?
Int: I don’t think so. Could you say something else?
Marlene: Yes. I go to bed at like 1-2am because we work really hard sometimes like until 11pm and I just have to stay up after

Int: What superpower would you like to have?
Marlene: Id love to be able to teleport

Int: Do you care about what people think of you?
Marlene: I used to care about that before I got in the band and we released our first album but now I don’t care

Int: Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your boyfriend?
Marlene: No absolutely not
Int: Ok then. Whats your favourite thing about Harry?
Marlene: I love his smile. He never fails to make me smile.

Int: Whats your favourite tattoo of harry?
Marlene: They all are nice but I think I’d say our matching tattoos or the butterfly and the two birds

Int: What does he do when you are sick?
Marlene: He always brings me hot chocolate and we cuddle while we are watching a movie or series?

Int: I heard you moved in together is that true?
Marlene: Yes it is. First we lived with the boys but we decided to go our own way but we still have the house and meet up there
Int: What do you see in the future with him?
Marlene: I see us with a little farm and animals and our kids running around

Int: How many kids do the two of you want?
Marlene: I don’t know. I think 3 or 4

Int: What about a marriage?
Marlene: I’m waiting for him to propose * laughs *
Int: Then he better do that soon

Int: When did you first realise you love him?
Marlene: I loved him since 2010 when we got put in the band shortly after that I guess. But I realised that when we were filming the music video from WMYB when we got like pretty close

Int: I’ ll ask you some questions about the boys now and don’ t answer with Harry
Marlene: Sure go on please
Int: Who has the best style?
Marlene: Louis

Int: With whom do you hang out the most?
Marlene: Liam we know each other since like forever and hes like a brother to me

Int: How did the boys react when you and Harry told them you are dating?
Marlene: They were extremly happy

Int: Thank you for doing this interview
Marlene: My pleasure