FBI Finds Sycelia Jackson’s House- And a Suprise

After years of searching, the FBI have been looking for Sycelia Jacksons house more than ever. Especially because of the TRE case (The Red Envelope, after the red envelope we were told about from Jessica Emory). We have finnaly found Sycelia Jacksons house, on a hidden cove which is guessed nobody knows about untill now. Sycelia has a recording studio in her attic, with two other floors, and her basement. her basement had more security than her house, and it took about four days of nonstop trial and error to get in. In the basement the FBI found a wall of illegal weapons. There were also charts of victims. Most of her victims were people that had been wanted for years and were going to be excecated anyway. But there were a few that nobody had heard about, untill further investigated were just as bad or worse. How did Sycelia even know about these people? We believe our answers will come when we find a way to hack in and get some footage from Jackson’s security cameras.