The crazy boy tried to kill me

Once upon a time I woke up in the morning a boy tried to stab my name my mom and I said no and she knew I was the right one so she decided to always believe me and then the next day when I went to school I was so angry at him I even tried to kill him myself the video of how I got rid of he’s the one who knows I am allergic to water I was on the show here I made a bunch of water on me so I was very angry at him I fainted the next thing you know I ended up in the hospital I was free to go he tried to kill me again but and then I lost my memory so he told me blah blah blah blah blah so I hated him does he really dead blah blah blah blah blah so I hated him for the rest of my life apparently so I got super duper mad dating for part 2
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