Million Dollar Marshmallow

Marshmallows. A fairly recent invention, right? WRONG!!! A team of researchers recently went to Egypt to look in ancient tombs, however, a strange discovery was made in the tomb of the lesser-known Egyptian pharaoh, King Xeeaserexxuuuuyyoiuaeiouw. Found in his tomb was a 5,000 year old marshmallow! It was extremely brittle and grayed from age, as well as dusty, but there is no doubt that it is a marshmallow. Since the expedition roughly twelve months ago, the marshmallow has been to New York City, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Paris, Rome, and more. It now resides in the Smithsonian Museum and is one of the most heavily guarded exhibits. It is worth $85,678,450, but stealing it is a crime punishable by up to ten years in jail. The ancient marshmallow has led scientists to believe that many of our seemingly modern-day inventions are not as modern as they seem. Maybe instead of looking to the future for “new” technology, we should look to the past.