Kela Potunya goes Missing. Coincidence?

21 year old Kela Potunya had gone missing, right along with famous 21 year old Sycelia Jackson. Today we are having an interview with Jessica Emory, to hopefully get some more information on this issue.
M- So Jessica, do you have any idea why this is happening?
J- Well all i know is that me, Silv, Kell, Summer, and Mandi have been friends since 5th grade.
M- Wow. That’s a long time from now, where you are all 21 now. Have there really been any disputes?
J-Not really big dispute. Just small girl things tat all bet friends had every once in a while. But life was good. We were always meeting up. Me and Sycelia had always wanted a YouTube channel back before we even knew about Kela and Mandi.
M- So you and Jackson go way back?
M- So. If you wanted a YouTube channel before that, how come Sycelia Jackson only started being in them when she turned 18?
J- Well her parents never wanted her to be in that stuff. Kinda over protective.
M- So you knew her parents?
J- No i never really met them before, but Sycelia is a really bad liar, and you can tell when she’s making something up. When she told me that her parent’s weren’t the best to her, she wasn’t lying.
M- What makes you so sure of that?
J-Well were 21 now. and we have been friends since 3rd grade, so we were close friends for 13 years, you know everything about that person.
M- Well i will have to take your word for that! Anyway, you said that you were friends with Silv, Kell, Summer, and Mandi. Can you tell us who these people are?
J-Oh yeah! Sorry. Those people are Sycelia, Kela, Summer, and Mandi. Those were just thier nicknames.
M-So basically you all got famous? Or different people with the same names?
J- Oh no, we all got famous.
M- And how did this affect your relationship with each other?
J- Well, i was the first to get famous, from you YouTube channel. When Silv joined in, we were capable of accomplishing more things, since there were two people. Then when we needed a group, we had Summer and Kela join in. We got more and more subscribers from this, and eventually got above T-Series for five years in a row.
M-That is an really good accomplishment, since T-Series had been top youtuber for a while. But you said that when you did a group video, everyone was in it except Mandi? What was with that?
J- Well, Mandi had never been the type to be on videos or gaming. She thought it was all overacted. She never really wanted to join in. We asked her, but she always said no. But that was untill out channel got so popular, that we could start handing out cash and electronics to winners of challenges. Then she wanted to get involved. We did some pretty scary challenges. And the pranks were so scary, since we could actually afford scary things. One time Sycelia blindfolded all of us for a prank and pushed us off a plane. We were all pretty scared, including her, but we ended up loving it in the end. Especially Silv. She had always wanted to do that, but it didn’t mean she was scared as heck when we were doing that.
M- So what happened after that? Didn’t your other friends get famous too?
J- Oh yes. Sycelia started three of her own YouTube channels. Seeing that she was from Slacker A’s people immediately subscribed to her’s too.
M- And why did she have three?
J-Well she had one for gaming, another for her drawings, and the creative side of her. And then the last one. The one that really made her famous. The one where she wrote and sang her own songs. She was seriously raking in money left and right. And since they were just her YouTube channels, she was the only one who got the money. But then I joined her band. A lot of time the needed two guitar parts, and she loved to do duets. But she didn’t like recording herself doing each of them and then layering them on top of each other. So she asked me to join. I started getting a lot of money from that, and we were both getting really famous.
M-Wow. You guys were extremely lucky to get famous from that. Anyway, keep going.
J-Well, Four years ago on Christmas Eve, The local zoo was robbed. All the admission money was taken, and to make things chaotic, they let all the animals loose so that they wouldn’t get caught with the money, and used the animals as a distraction. The security was low, because it was Christmas Eve. Everyone was at home, and me, Silv, Kell, Summer, and Mandi were at my house having a party.
M-Ah yes. I heard about the zoo breakout.
J-Well, a lot of the animals were scattered about, and very wounded. We saw what was happening on the news, and Kela and Summer rushed over to the zoo. Me, Mandi, and Silv tracked down most of the animals, and put them back in their cages. Then Kela and Summer took care of them and treated them all. Then the police arrived, and figured out what happened. They thanked us all and told us to go home. At the end of the year, Kell and Summer were given Grammys for hero’s of the year. They had already gotten out of collage, and they opened a veterinary firm together. They made a lot of money on that and were known as local hero’s.
M- That is a truly inspiring story. But now that we know how it all happened, do you know anything that could have led up to everyone’s death’s and disappearances?
J-Well all i know was that a month ago, Sycelia had gotten a mysterious letter. She wouldn’t let me look at it. At first i thought it was from her boyfriend or something, but she seemed freaked out. Every time someone brought it up she would get kind of snippy, which wasn’t like her. Yeah, she could be kind of a sassy person sometimes, but it was like, in a good way. We could tell something was wrong. I went looking for the letter through her recycling bin, but Kell came up to me with a worried face. She told me to follow her, and we went to Silv’s Kitchen. She showed me Silv’s garbage, and we found burned ashes in there. We had no doubt it was the letter.
M- Well, we did know about the other things, but this right here is news to me.
J-If you knew the other things why did you ask me them?
M-Well we just wanted your side of the story. Also, your in Sycelia’s house right?
J-Yes, we are. Nobody but us know where it is because she wanted to keep her identity a secret. Now, with everything going on that seemed suspicious, but when she said it before it seemed like a cool idea. So we kept her personal stuff secret. It was also mainly because she just got way too much fan mail. So she set up a website for that stuff instead. Anyways, Summer came downstairs looking really worried. Sycelia and Summer had been best friends one more year than me and Silv had been, and Summer was a really dependent, and good person. Silv told her everything. So it turned out Silv told Summer what happened, and she said she was only going to tell us because it was important, and put us all in danger. She said she would tell us later, one at a time. She told Mandi first. Mandi flipped out, went outside, and called the police. Summer was begging her not to, and me and Kela were just staring at each other, kinda freaked out. Mandi never came back, so i texted her to make sure she was ok. She said she was fine, and just needed a good night’s rest, and that she went home. Next day on the news, i was shocked to see on the news “Mandi Kora was Murdered in Her Sleep” I didn’t know what was happening, so i called Silv for days, but she never answered. Then on the news, i saw that she went missing. I went to all of her YouTube channels, and she had posted nothing. Usually she posted two videos per week switching between channels. Now i was really freaking out. I ran to all of my friend’s houses and they were all ok. Then we all went over to Sycelia’s house. Everything seemed normal, except she wasn’t there. So i guess then i just went home, not sure what to do. Summer decided to sleep over at my house, because she didn’t want to be alone. Kela went home, but purely because she had paper work to do from her job. Summer had her paperwork downloaded on her phone so she did it at my house for a while. We actually played games and had a lot of fun. It took our minds off of everything that happened. It was just like a sleepover that we would have every Friday night. It had been a week, and nothing weird happened. I tried not to think about what happened. Then Kell went missing. Summer saw the news and we met up at her house. But the same thing as Mandi’s house happened to Kela. One long strand of hair left on the bed. Now, me and Summer stay at my house at all times. We figured out that bad things are only happening to us, and it was when we were alone. Since my house has a high-tech security system, there is no way you can get in unless you have four passwords, and a retina scan. We only let you in because you are recording live, so anything that happens we are on high alert on.
M-Wow, That must be truly scary. What does it feel like knowing your the only ones left?
S-Actually, we try to be positive about these things. We haven’t been able to sleep, and we are trying to stay safe.
M-Oh hello Summer! Well I am glad to hear you are staying positive. But i think that is it. This is Mary, from Channel 46 News. Thank you.