Teen arrested

A teenage girl, Toni-Anne R was arrested for fighting in school at Lunch time.

It has been proven that she went for ten first punch and has severely hurt the young teen, who was ellegedly her best friend.

The girl was hospitalised late on Friday night they say that Toni-Anne hit her head after the incident and has forgotten about what happened she is currently being permanently excluded from a school in Telford (it would prefer not to be named).

Toni-Anne has given this young girl life changing problems and will be moving to a special school. Seconds before you hit her head and was knocked out she told a teacher that they were just playing until it got out of control.

The school will not be having that as an excuse and have taken the descision to exclude the young girl from school.

The special school will work with Toni-Anne on her anger and talk to her about losing control of certain situations.

This is all we know on the situation as of right now, come back later for more information