Local Acne Covererd Teen, Brett Ashton Colyer, Charged Battery and Rape on a 10 year old FemBoy πŸ˜’

Local Acne Covered Teen, Brett Ashton Colyer, native to Waterford, Ohio was recently held in court due to accusations from Marietta FemBoy. Quote from FemBoy, “Brett told me that everybody has sex at 10 and that age is just a number, H- h-he told me that if I ever wanted to go home I would have to do the nasty with him.” Judge Bernie stated that no charges would be found if the judge could fuck the shit out of courtney colyer (his smokin hot mamacita). The FemBoy, Jackson Colyer, stated, ” After I stumbled upon my older brothers search history on step brother fantasies, I knew that he needed a quick bust, but he turned it into something that I couldn’t handle. When i wanted to stop he grabbed my head and slammed it back onto his “millimeter peter,” after that, I didnt remember much. It was all just a blur”