Kids are experiencing emotional and mental harm with remote learning

Kids are experiencing emotional and mental harm with remote learning
With students having to stay home students have developed sleep habits and drove parents who also had to stay home crazy. Nearly 3 in 10 parents said their child is experiencing emotional or mental harm because of online school and social distancing. Students most hurt are the ones who have a disadvantage by food and housing. And students seem to get bored and distracted at home instead of doing their work and focusing.

Remote learning is causing stress in families
Many families are struggling financially and that takes a mental toll on many students . Many educators reported an increase in anxiety in students. Many older students might be a paycheck for the family , like work and other students have siblings to take care off . Students who were doing great last year and had good grades aren’t doing too well this year.
Students that come from abusive homes are forced to stay home.
School was a safe and quiet place for students to learn. But since we switched to online students have to stay home and some students who come from an abusive home are forced to have to stay in that environment . LGBTQ+ students might not be accepted at home so they felt like school was a safer environment for them. Home could be a place where they feel rejected . Some students might not have a quiet place to work in. A lot of students have to take care of a younger sibling and others don’t want to turn their cameras on .
56% of students agree that the pandemic has affected their learning environment.
A chart proves that 56% of students agree that the Covid 19 pandemic has impacted their learning environment . Since students have to stay home now it’s harder for them to stay focused . 26% of students say they feel more stressed at home than they did in school.

Grades are lower now
An online college states that they find students taking online classes has reduced the students’ success and their progress in college . The grades are lower and it’s said that students are less likely to remain enrolled in a university. And for many of these students online learning is their only option since schools havent opened up .

Coronavirus mental health crisis
Mental health consumers are trying to help students and everyone with the pandemic. He said a 5 grader once called in saying she was afraid of her family catching covid, other times a teacher not knowing what to do when students are zoned out during zooms and what to say to students who don’t even join the zooms.

Are schools pushing academic stuff instead of worrying about students and their mental health
A mental health counselor says “Before we push anything at students academically, let’s ask how they’re doing, with no unrealistic expectations that we can somehow solve all their problems or magically fix everything and make all this go away, but just a lot of acknowledgment, a lot of listening to kids and trying to get them the support they need,” McCauley said.” This could be something schools should consider . This is a lot of pressure on students and schools should try to consider how students feel and their mental health.

Students are experiencing depression and anxiety
A survey that included 2,300 children who stayed home during the pandemic in China Hueibe. Reported that nearly 23 percent of the students have reported symptoms of depression. And nearly 19 percent reported experiencing anxiety . Also a review reports that .