Keeper of the lost cities, the truth

It’s review was done by

As you know we are huge fans of keeper of The Lost cities and Shannon Messengers newest book called unlocked has just been published, we were able to get it from her producers one month early, we absolutely love the book, but we were also told a huge secret, the Nextbook after unlocked will be named “fall back.” They explained what it will be about and the character development, there will also be a map in the very back of the book explaining more detail than unlocked.
If you are a huge fan of keeper of the Lost cities you will know that an argument debating whether So-Fitz or So-Keefe it’s a better couple, so we have decided to test that, we got 1,000 keeper of the lost cities fans and put it to the test, these are the results based on the readers decisions.
So-Fitz: 75%
So-Keefe: 25%
You’re not surprised at the results at all because we are huge So-Fitz fans and we feel that Keefe is just not a great character, and he is not good for Sophie.
We got the interview Shannon Mssenger, and we asked her a question that surprised us very much, we asked her what her favorite emoji was, and she said her favorite emoji was by far poop, she said it just made her feel funny inside and had a great feeling, we laughed a lot, and she eventually told us that when she was younger she used a joke around about poop with her friends when she was younger, we found that very funny and asked her more questions.
Thank you for reading this article, we just want you to know that this was all a prank